April 2013 Newsletter

... the essential is not said neither tell, it is shown... (Michel Onfray)

What's on
We start this month full of vigour and enthusiasm! 
The Symposium Pagaia experience was simply superlative!
Preparing for this event Tatiana collaborated with Carme Adell, one of the coaches, on the programme schedule and editing. The prolonged week of forays into the spectacular rocky coast of Cap de Creus has left indelible paddling memories both visual and in the heart:

some photos already adorn the report published on our blog and on facebook.

Our desire to resume paddling after the winter break is so strong that we have planned a new kayaking voyage: the circumnavigation of Cres island in Croatia. The changeless national holidays in Italy on the 25 April and 1 May plus the weekends in between have given us the golden opportunity to enjoy 12 blissful days exploring the beautiful Croatian coasts. 

No sooner was the idea floated that a group was formed, but a few places still remain...

In common with all the BCU courses organised by Tatiyak for the month of May, (commencing upon Tatiana’s return from the Anglesey Sea Kayak Symposium), there’s only one place available for the open canoe 3&4 star training courses on the Ticino river. The L1 Coach course on Lake Maggiore with Phil Hadely and Ashley St. John-Claire is also fully booked.  This is also the case with the First Aid course (part of the training syllabus) on Saturday 18 May. Some places are available however for a new course led by the master wood-turner Yannick Sevi of Alpine Paddle. The course will impart the knowledge required to make traditional Greenland paddles. You can sign up right up to the commencement date 20 April...

Kayaking snippets
With winter behind us, the scent of spring is in the air.
However the month of April is well known to be windy and unpredictable.
It would be good practice therefore, to carefully arrange the equipment on your kayak deck.
To avoid losing important items of gear, such as often happens with hats, sunglasses, etc.,

get into the habit of securing all items with a lenght of line to your kayak or PFD.
That way you’ll avoid tiring underwater recoveries and unwanted plastic flotsam.

Call of the Inuit
In the beginning it’s just a simple plain length of timber, chosen with care, without knots, and having an even grain. Then it loses part of its bulk and sharp edges allowing one to gradually discern its future shape. You would need a pencil, ruler, a pair of carpenter’s trestles, a rasp and plane, and finally lots of patience! Yannick Sevi has bags of it as well as an aptitude to teach: he’s a master wood tuner and craftsman and a great kayaker.

His stage Alpine paddle to learn making Greenland paddles should not be missed!

Over th horizon

Justine Curgenven laughing or crying is irresistible!

Her long-awaited “This is the Sea 5” is out, a collection from the CackleTV series with 8 films,

containing for the most part new footage imbued with Justine’s contagious enthusiasm.

Her new DVD is sub-titled in Italian, Spanish and French and is of 3 hours duration!

A 3-minute trailer is certainly captivating as is that of her voyage around Tierra del Fuego.

Tatiyak can supply a copy, with just 3 or 4 days for it to arrive by post.

Thanks to Albert Gambina, we finally have a Newsletter written in English.

www.tatiyak.it - tatiyak.blogspot.com - tatiyak@tatianacappucci.it
Tatiyak a.s.d. - Via Giovanni Verga 53 - 20025 Legnano (MI) - C.F. e P.I. 06558570963 - © 2013 MF