June 2012 Newsletter
... Curiosity is one of the forms of the female courage... (Victor Hugo)
What's on June is also the best month of the year to join one of our courses that take place on the lake, all details can be found on the website and you will surely be spoilt for choice. Besides basic, advanced and specialisation courses held to the Italian national kayaking standard, we also have new courses to BCU standard. The water of the lake will be at a decent temperature and we can even enjoy camping on the weekends. The "scuola” page on our website will carry all the specifics, with updates via our blog and Facebook page |
Kayak snippets |
The call of the Inuit |
Over the horizon |
Thanks to Albert Gambina, we finally have a Newsletter written in English.
www.tatiyak.it -
tatiyak.blogspot.com -
a.s.d. - Via Giovanni Verga 53 - 20025 Legnano (MI) - C.F. e P.I. 06558570963 -
© 2012 MF