March 2013 Newsletter

... let your intimate friends be chosen from those that are better informed than yourself... (Robert Schumann)

What's on
The month of March, as one knows, is laden with the scent of spring. 
The end of winter is noticeable and the resumption of outdoor activities can commence.
We’ve just come back from taking part in the Venice Carnival: a good time was had by all!


Once again we remind all those interested that Greenland rolling courses will continue throughout the month of March at the Legnano Muncipial pool as follows: 
every Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 pm, at the main pool in Viale Gorizia n°28/a. 
Those wishing to remain fit and supple shouldn’t miss this weekly appointment.

It’s also an opportunity to get a taste of the routines that will feature in the fourth National Roll Championship taking place at Genova Pontedecimo on Saturday & Sunday, 16 & 17 March. The format of the competition has been revised to include rolls not only in Greenland and
river kayaks but also in open canoes, canoe polo and free-style craft: come to joyn us!

The month will come to an end with an exceptional event: the Pagaia international Symposium organised by our Catalan friends from the Pagaia Club de Caiac Cap de Creus located in the municipality of Llançà in Catalonia, Spain. This symposium is organised on alternate years, always just before Easter. This year it will take place on the 23, 24 and 25 March right
up to the following Saturday, 30 March. It will be a great event! The guest invitees
will number 25 with many notable names from the international kayaking scene.
We’re very pleased to be invited: we’re sure it will be a fruitful experience!

Kayaking snippets
When executing a roll, it is not uncommon to feel a bit nauseous and dizzy, it even happens
to us when we resume our winter indoor pool training. To overcome these small snags, the following tips should be sufficient to overcome these negative effects and keep safe
in the water: we should make use of a nose clip attached with a line to our person;
a good set of ear plugs to avoid water ingress (and thereby causing dizziness)
and lastly swimming goggles, much better than a full-face mask
and just as effective in keeping the water out...

Call of the Inuit
Seeing that we will be taking part in rolling exhibition we will keep to the subject matter!
A part of the National Roll Championship will be dedicated to a few sessions improving the Greenland techniques learnt. In particular, attention will be focused on the entry phase as well as the proper positioning of the hands, arms and torso during the various types of Greenland rolls. The exit phase will also be examined in detail, where it is required to return to the initial upright position, according to rules laid down by the Greenland Championships...

Over the horizon

Once again we will be staying on the Italian mainland to highlight an event with an international flavour: the Valsesia Canoa Film Festival taking place on the 24-25 May at Campertoggio (in the province of Vercelli, Piemonte region) now in its fourth edition. There are bountiful prizes for each winner of the various categories; there is even a section dedicated to voyages undertaken by kayak or canoe. Registration closes on the 31 March!

Thanks to Albert Gambina, we finally have a Newsletter written in English.

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Tatiyak a.s.d. - Via Giovanni Verga 53 - 20025 Legnano (MI) - C.F. e P.I. 06558570963 - © 2013 MF